We discussed whether it was proper English to capitalize the
first letter, after a quotation, when the dialogue ends with an exclamation
point or a question mark. For example: [“What’s
your name, anyway?” she asked.] See how the quotation ends with that
question mark, but there’s still a bit of the sentence after it? According to
all the sources we checked online, it is proper writing to finish that sentence
off by not capitalizing the word that follows the dialog in quotation marks.
Which makes perfect sense to me. That end mark is only bringing the quote to a
close. Should the writer continue the sentence, that end mark would affect only
the sentence within the quotation marks.
I’m excited to write the next scene in the story. One fun
tidbit is I’ll be looking back at the things I’m learning in my Sociology studies
as a way to reinforce the writing. Several concepts concerning much of what I’m
writing about are things I’m actually learning about as I study for my upcoming
test. It’s one of moments for me when I realize there really is a point to all
the learning I’m doing. Some of the tests I have to take, I scratch my head
wondering why it’s important, but for some reason my writing never seems a
viable reason for learning some of this stuff. That is, until moments like this
come up and I’m just tickled pink.
We distributed new prompts, as the old ones were stale and
uninspiring. We can always go back to those later anyway. I had so many ideas
for the last one, but none of them ever came to bloom. This new one has a
number of possibilities though, and I’m looking forward to taking it on. That
is, if I have a chance. I might just be furiously bashing out all this epic
stuff for my short story for the next two weeks!