Friday, November 16, 2012

Writing Meeting: 11/15/2012

                We met again for our writing meeting. This time a friend joined us to comb through manuscripts. The structure of the meeting differed from our last; as we looked over material from each of us, instead of focusing entirely on one person’s manuscript. (Mine less so, though, because time didn’t allow us to get very far on my manuscript before it was time to leave.) It was an invigorating time of encouragement and insight. The coffee was great, and we edited a lot of stuff before it was time to conclude. I know it was an inspirational time for me, and I hope the same was felt by the others. It’s official though. We need to invest in a set of red-inked pens. It’s much more official in red ink, easier to spot the edits too.

                One particular thing I noticed was the humbleness and willingness to listen that my companions displayed during the meeting. Both of them were more than willing to receive criticism and really seemed appreciative of any thoughts or opinions that were mentioned. Open mindedness was very much a part of the meeting, and I’m glad it was so. It was a wonderful time for like-minds to be encouraged in their literary endeavors. I find myself looking forward to future meetings with even more vigor. Until the next meeting – I’ll be writing as much as I can.

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